Our values
Eating is such a beautiful thing: it is taste, conviviality, leisure, pleasure! Anyone who takes on the commitment of catering has an important task, made up of responsibilities and choices.
Our products are organic, to the greatest extent possible (80/90%). The pasta is bronze drawn and dried without temperature changes. We also use fresh pasta, always trying to respect the seasonality of the products that enter our kitchen.
Our only dressing is organic extra virgin olive oil and we try to minimize fried dishes.
We try to find high quality products with a "short supply chain" and we support fair trade. Our coffee, for example, is organic and fair trade.
The meat comes from non-intensive farms.
We try to avoid waste and invite our customers to take away uneaten food.
We put a lot of effort in waste sorting.
We do not keep tvs in our rooms to encourage conviviality and the natural exchange of human interactions.
We do love to chat with our guests and we organize courses and meetings on eco-gastronomic topics. We have a small library filled with books, which can be purchased or consulted, for dissemination and in-depth analysis on nutrition, ecology, health and holistic lifestyles.
We are very interested in your opinion: whether it is positive it makes us feel good, but criticism is important as well and allows us to grow. Let us know what you would change and improve: you are just helping us and we are grateful for it!
We just have to wish you… Buon Appetito!